Whereas, the history of Port Townsend, just like the history of America, is inextricably interwoven with the lives, hopes, work, ideas, and dreams of all its people, immigrant and indigenous alike; and
Whereas, immigrants have come here over the years as a refuge from persecution and a place of promise and opportunity, in fisheries, farming, landscaping, trade, business, the arts, tourism, and other areas that support our economy & society; and Whereas, the American Dream of freedom, equality, and opportunity of better lives for themselves & their children drives the spirit of immigration, and the presence of immigrants strengthens the American Dream for everyone; and Whereas, fear and hatred of immigrants threatens the tapestry of the American Dream; and Whereas, individuals & communities interacting, learning, and understanding from one-another is a powerful force in reversing ignorance and prejudice; and Whereas, Jefferson County Immigrant Rights Advocates (JCIRA) is a local grassroots organization dedicated to supporting the rights of immigrants and their families through access to legal services, standing witness, family support, community education, and advocacy; and Whereas, JCIRA has created this Multicultural Center to be a hub of activities, including cultural events and celebrations, language classes, assistance in navigating social services, providing financial support to those within our immigrant communities, and much more. Now, therefore, I, David J. Faber, Mayor of the City of Port Townsend, do hereby proclaim June 2023, Immigrant Heritage Month in the City of Port Townsend and call upon our residents to celebrate the opening of the JCIRA Multicultural Center as a place of inclusion, advocacy, celebration, and support not just to our immigrant neighbors, but for ourselves as well. |